

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Zion National Park. My dad and I had a quick welcoming to Zion for an afternoon once we got into southern Utah. I like to call Zion the Disney World of National Parks, or at least from the ones I've visited. Zion has shuttles to take you to the most popular spots of Zion Canyon which is great but made it a bit too crowded for my liking. Luckily we were able to find some quieter parts of the park which at the golden hour as the sun was starting to set, made for a perfect welcoming. If you want to feel small, go to Zion. It was an indescribable feeling to be looking up against beautiful red sand stone mountains that reach to the sky thousands of feet in the air. I'll remember the golden hour light reaching the top of the mountains, to the sound of water dribbling down the sand stone to water the hanging gardens that are all around. I'll remember the loud silences all around and the smell of campfire.

I went to Zion for a second visit, after my dad left to head back home. I checked the weather and with it being a small percentage chance of rain I decided to defy the weather. I started climbing up Angels Landing, which is one of the most popular hikes in Zion, where for a good part of the hike you hold on to a chain so you don't fall to your death with drop offs on either side of you. I was planning on hiking half way, knowing I wouldn't be able to reach the top. I was taking in all the beauty around me when it started to drizzle. I continued up and decided to turn back not knowing how the weather would continue. A few minutes after I was making my way down it started to downpour. Of course I didn't have any rain gear so it only took seconds to get completely drenched. I was walking fast and then started to run while trying not to slip on the rock and mud, it was like a real life Tough Mudder my friends! I already can't wait to go back and hike deep into The Narrows and to get a bit higher on Angels Landing, weather be damned.

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are amazing! Keep them coming, you tough mudder, you.
