

Monday, May 4, 2015

Blue Ridge Mountains

"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.  ... Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." - Max Ehrmann

This quote has stuck with me throughout my trip but especially today as I was hiking up Mount Pisgah just outside of Asheville in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Maybe it's going to creep up on me later but since I've left I haven't once thought, am I doing the right thing? Because I know somewhere deep down that this is what I need to do and that my life over the next few months will unfold as it should. And that there is such beauty in the silence.

Before I got to the parking lot to Mount Pisgah I was driving through back country roads jamming along to Nickel Creek and took a few missteps before making it on the Blue Ridge Parkway which is without a doubt, one of the most beautiful roads I've ever been on. It's also a bit frightening, driving on super twisty roads with hairpin corners, drooling over how incredible this spot of the world is, while also being very aware that there isn't any guard rails and that you can veer off the road and tumble down to your death.. but this made it all the more memorable. Once I was able to pry my hands off the steering wheel, I was nearly squealing with excitement that I was going on my first hike since Acadia National Park this past summer. This is my second time hiking Mt Pisgah and I think it's more beautiful when it's cloudy, getting to see a little glimpse of the sun hitting the mountains just right and noticing all the green and blue tones will leave you in awe. If you haven't made it to the Asheville/Blue Ridge Mountain part of our world, pack your bags now. I can't wait to come back and soak it all in again and to find a little piece of myself that will always be in these mountains.

1 comment:

  1. I love the tunnel pic especially! One of my favorite quotes of all time, too. Thinking of you and hoping you keep finding those rays of sunshine wherever you go!
