

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Today I did my most driving yet and probably one of my longest drives of my cross country road trip. I left this morning from North Carolina and drove a good 10.5+ hours through South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and  Louisiana to get to New Orleans. It was a tiring drive but it didn't drag on as long as I thought it might, with the help of listening to one of my favorites, Amy Poehler's book Yes, Please! and NPR. I decided to stop in Atlanta for a quick stretch of my legs and to try and find some filming spots from Catching Fire because I am a big dork. I was driving around and unfortunately wasn't able to find what I was looking for but I hope to get back to Atlanta again soon.

I was enjoying driving through the deep south, crossing into a new time zone and thinking of all the history as I drove by. If I had more time I would have loved to stop in Montgomery, Selma, and Birmingham to name a few, to see where MLK lived and breathed and where the civil rights movement began. As I got closer and closer to Louisiana, the scenery changed drastically. I went over many lakes that were covered with marshes, creeks, and bayous that were beautiful and stretched for miles and miles. New Orleans welcomed me with an incredible sunset and I can't wait to get up and explore tomorrow!

Until then, I wanted to post a few more pictures from Asheville, a city that I always enjoy and some photos from being on the road.

Tupelo Honey Cafe, Asheville - One of my absolute favorite places in Asheville! 

Some great finds in Asheville! 

I ask myself this daily. 

Car photos: Atlanta, Alabama, Mississippi, New Orleans 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics! What would Julia do? She'd pack her ass in a car and drive herself across the country to enjoy exploring and eating amazing new foods... oh, no, wait. She wouldn't be brave enough. I think Julia is out there somewhere right now saying, "What would Lucy do?!"
