

Saturday, May 9, 2015

2,500 miles & Austin

Before I got to Austin, I bid farewell to New Orleans and the great family I stayed with while I was there. If you're looking for a kind, welcoming, warm, bike friendly, and perfect place to stay when you are in the Big Easy, I would highly recommend staying with Rick and Liz! (https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/583173)  While I was driving out of Louisiana, I made a little stop at this breathtaking spot which I read about in an article titled "The Most Beautiful Tree Lined Streets In the World". And boy, they weren't kidding. This beauty is called "Oak Alley" and I'm so glad I found it and made the slight detour because it was absolutely worth it.

After I left this wondrous dream like spot, I had another 8+ hours to go. Oh, Texas. You are one big friggin' state which I knew before I started driving but didn't really understand until now. And one thing I learned pretty quickly upon crossing over the state line is, Texas loves the hell out of itself. There are huge Texas flags everywhere (as if you could forget where you are), signs beaming gun shows and state pride "Drive Friendly, the Texan Way!". It's been such a learning experience driving through Texas and seeing all their state love. It was also a pretty drive seeing the sky go on forever. I don't think I've seen so much of the sky before, other than when I was in Iceland and Zimbabwe.

I got into Austin last night and thanks to my good friend and fellow foodie Sarah, who used to live in Austin, she told me all the amazing food places to try. And friends and fam, as I'm sure you've heard, the food here is amazing. Granted I've only been here a day but the Tex-Mex here is the best I've ever had, ever. Thanks Sarah for the great recommendations! As I was driving around today I realized that I have driven over 2,500 miles and it's just been a week since I left home. It's hard to wrap my head around this but know it to be true. I can't wait for the next leg of my travels!

So for anyone that doesn't know, I love the show Friday Night Lights (RIP) and it had filmed in Austin so being the major dork that I am, I wanted to see some of the spots where they filmed my beloved show. And fellow readers, if you haven't seen it, go and have a Netflix binge, you won't regret it. Below is a picture of where the Panther's played football and it was pretty cool to see this iconic spot in person. I also drove around to find some other favorite spots from the show but I won't bore you all with the details. If you're wanting to hear more, let me know, I have some good stories to tell. :)

Austin, I'm loving your art, food, and weirdness. Which is a thing here, you'll see signs saying "Keep Austin Weird!"which I think it pretty perfect. Here are some photos from my day: 


  1. Tea-x-as loves the hell out of itself, and I love the hell out of you!
    I may just have to retrace every one of your steps some day; this is looking like the most fantastic trip! Enjoy your Tex-Mex and lots of good vibes and love coming your way straight from CT! xoxxo

  2. I love the hell out of you Cheri! I would gladly retrace my steps with you any time. So happy that you are enjoying my blog, means a lot! Sending lots of love and good vibes back to you three
