

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Moab, Utah Day 2. My dad and I got to Canyonlands National Park, which is another beautiful place and very different from Arches National Park. Cayonlands is a lot less touristy, more quiet, more spacious. I'm sure it wouldn't be a surprise to any of you that Canyonlands is filled with..... canyons, that are quite colorful at different times of the day and varying weather conditions. When we were there it was mostly cloudy and the canyons took on this deep red, orange, purplish color which will stop you in your tracks.  What's also really interesting about this park is an area that they are unsure how it was formed, "Upheavel Dome". Was it hit by a meteor? Was in naturally forming due to a salt dome from millions of years ago? Geologists are still debating this today but I'd like to go with a meteor because that sounds way  cooler! Here is some more info on the Upheavel Dome incase you'd like to learn more: http://www.nps.gov/cany/learn/nature/upheavaldome.htm


  1. Loving the pictures! Especially the tree one. It's awesome to see the color palette of each place you've been- so fantastic. Jealous of the sights you're taking in... ENJOY!!

    1. Agree with this ^ also love the tree one! :)
