

Sunday, May 3, 2015

First stop: Georgetown

Yesterday, I officially made it to my first stop on my cross country tour, Georgetown. Getting there wasn't as smooth sailing as I would have liked and after being in the car for 9+ hours my butt was ready to get out of my car and so was I. The weather couldn't have been more beautiful, the bluest skies this girl has seen in months and everything was so green and lush and as I was making my way further and further south, flowers of every color were bursting to life. After surviving the Boston winter from hell, I didn't know if I'd ever see plants and trees look so... alive. It was incredible to be outside and not need a light sweatshirt or jacket, I almost didn't know what to do with myself. While in Georgetown, I stayed with my cousin Daniel and his boyfriend Andy and had such a wonderful visit, exactly who I needed to see as I start this massive trip. After many laughs that made my sides hurt, a delicious meal, filled with great conversation and a nice night's sleep, I got back in my car to do it all over again. Today I had another picturesque day driving (mother nature, I wouldn't mind driving on cloudy and rainy days too, just sayin') even further south to get to Shelby, North Carolina. I'm staying with a very dear friend Laura's parents who are, and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest, the most lovely and kindest human beings on the planet. It's been such a treat reconnecting with them, since we haven't seen each other in 8+ years!

While I've driven close to 1,000 miles already, I've had a good amount of time to think and stay in my driving reverie. One idea that I've ruminated on recently, why don't they have rest stops but for napping? Like you'd go into a room/pod like they have at Google (or so I've read) and just nap. It would be way more comfortable then your car and who doesn't feel rejuvenated and ready for anything after a nap?  I could see the potential hiccups and creepyness factor but guys, I think I'm on to something!

In all seriousness though, I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for all the love I have in my life. All of your support, encouragement, and well wishes mean a great deal and are helping me be braver than I thought I could be, so thank you.  Tomorrow morning I'm headed to Asheville for the day, my legs are jonesing for a hike! More to come....

1 comment:

  1. You are doing it!! Jealous, despite your insane amount of car hours- say hello to the nice weather for us New Englanders!
