

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Sorry for my lateness fellow readers! After I spent a little over five weeks on the Big Island I spent my last week in Hawaii on O'ahu. I survived the immense tropical humidity thanks to tropical storms and depressions that were thousands of miles away. My most magical moment(s) on the island was getting to see these big and beautiful sea turtles swimming in the turquoise waters and resting on the beach and riding waves and popping their heads out of the water. There is something about sea turtles that is really comforting and they seem like such peaceful and kind beings, I feel lucky to have gotten to see so many of them! I drove down one of the most stunning roads, which was on the east side of the island. I stopped to take as many photos as I could and I still can't believe I didn't drive off into the ocean, which you could have done pretty easily. One of my favorite shows, Lost (may it RIP), was filmed on O'ahu and it was really fun to go to spots where they filmed and being able to see parts of the island that I probably wouldn't have known about otherwise. One unfortunate stupid mistake by me was going paddle boarding with my phone (I know,  believe me I've been kicking myself ever since).  I've carried my phone with me numerous times while paddle boarding and been fine, until this incident when a big gust of wind came to knock me over. As I was nearing my fate all I could think about was MY PHONE that was in MY SHORTS POCKET and that it was absolutely, positively, going to get drenched, a cell phone ocean enima if you will. My cell phone got very, very wet. I tried drying it out in rice for a few days which seemed to help but it wasn't able to get a charge. I went to Apple in Waikiki and ended up trading in for a new replacement phone which was a very expensive gift I gave myself. Believe me, I have learned my lesson. Before I had my phone incident I'll always remember my pinch me moment paddle barding with a sea turtle and seeing a dog swimming in the water, leading its owner while they were on their board.

I stayed on the North Shore and the south east side of the island and loved seeing the waves crash on the shore line. Even though the waves aren't as big now as in the winter months, it was still mesmerizing watching them gain momentum and reach there peak. There is something really meditative and calming about being by the ocean, especially on the islands. I also had some amazing food, the best Thai food of my life and an out-of-this-world raw passion fruit pie. I would fly back just for another piece of that pie. O'ahu, like the Big Island, is breathtaking and a place that will always stay with me. I had an incredible six weeks and still can't believe how lucky I am to have had this experience. I'm so grateful and repeatedly saying thank you, thank you, thank you. Mahalo O'ahu, until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lucy, Here is a haiku to sum it all up for you:
    passion fruit pie in my
    tummy, cell phone enema
    in my pants. Aye Yi.
