

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Seattle is like visiting a very good, old friend. I haven't been back in a few years and it felt so great to be in this beautiful city again. But better than that, I got to spend my 10 days with one of my oldest and best of friends Kerry and her equally lovely fiancé Dean, who I haven't seen in years. We belted out some killer karaoke, hiked, explored Seattle and reunited with my favorite spots, ate delicious food, talked and laughed the days away, saw one of my favs Of Monsters and Men in concert, and just had the best time together. I miss you so much Kerry! Seattle, here's my love letter to you in pictures:


  1. Seattle and Portland look awesome! Loving the pics. Jealous of all of these lovely water views (and allusions to delicious donuts obviously)!

  2. Thanks so much J! Loved them both and the delicious donuts, but Seattle always holds a special place!
