

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Kailua Kona

Sorry I've been a little MIA this past week, it's hard work on the farm! This past weekend I went to Kailua Kona with my fellow wwoofer, which is about 1hr 45 minutes away from Ninole. Kona in Hawaiian means leeward, or the dry side of the island. While I was there it was fairly hot and humid, not much different then the weather here near Hilo.  Hualalali and Muana Loa are both active volcanoes which sit between Kailua Kona which we only got to see a taste of due to some cloudy conditions. One interesting note about this part of the island are the white sand beaches with large lava rock everywhere. The sand beaches on the Hilo side, where I am, are black sand.  I mean, how does that happen? The Big Island is the youngest of all the Hawaiian Islands, making the beaches quite unique because they are still developing. We hiked through gorgeous trees and over a very hot lava field for 15 minutes, which is harder than it sounds, and was absolutely blown away when we reached Makalawena Beach. The water was turquoise blue and the clearest I have ever seen, so clear you can see the light rays from the sun shining down to the sandy bottom. The colors are so staggering with the turquoise water, white sand, bright greenery and charcoal black lava rock. And the water was so warm it felt like cooled bathwater.

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