

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hawaii & Farming

It's hard to believe that I've only been on the Big Island since Wednesday evening, it seems like it has been much longer from all the beauty I've seen and what I have learned. I'm staying in Ninole, which is a little town 30 minutes outside Hilo one of the bigger towns on the island. Here in Ninole we are surrounded by rainforest and the bluest ocean I've ever layed eyes on, which I can see every day from the farm, which is pretty incredible. There is also a waterfall in my new backyard which I can hear all day but is especially nice at night to lull me to sleep. I've been to some beautiful black lava sand beaches already and have taken a swim in the ocean which is quite warm and refreshing from the 80+ degree heat and high humidity. I'm living in what I would call paradise and I feel incredibly lucky to call the Big Island home for the next five weeks. I'm volunteering on a farm called Everyone Grows and the head farmer Drean is very kind, warm, and happy to show me my fellow 18 year old wwoofer (world wide opportunity for organic farming) his home. Drean created this food share in Hilo where people from all over can come and exchange for food or just take what they need for no cost. How incredible is that? I think its pretty special and something I'm oh so happy to be a part of. I've done a lot of gardening in the past two days and helped transplant different types of lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers. There is something really meditative about having your hands in the dirt and helping something to grow. I've also had some delicious mango and lychee, did you know that there are over 50 different types of mango and avocado grown on the Big Island? Pretty awesome! Being here is just what I need to recharge and to have some time for myself and I can't wait to see what these next weeks are like and what I've learned from them. For now, hope you enjoy these photos and you can feel like you are here with me!

Me and my headlamp! 

My gardening work of art

My home 
The farm!

My view from the farm!

Akaka Falls

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, Lucy! This looks AMAZING!! So glad I picked you to vicariously live through!! Soak it all in, but don't forget to return back to our neck of the woods eventually!! xoxxo
