

Friday, January 1, 2016

The road home.

After being gone for over four months and driving in the lower forty-eight a total distance of 14, 231 miles, spending six weeks in Hawaii and driving some more on the Hawaiian islands, I was ready to have a bit of a break from the road. I was a bit antsy to get home and to have a home cooked meal and enjoying not being in my car. As I pulled into my driveway in September, where I left the very beginning of May, I felt a surge of emotions. I was overcome with gratitude for being able to embark on something so adventurous for me. I was so thankful for the opportunity to quit my job, leave my apartment and just GO. I was beyond happy to have the trip of a lifetime and to get to know myself and my stunning country in a new way. I was forever grateful for my 2003 Toyota Corolla not giving up on me during my trip and for the special time I had with my incredible friends and family along the way. I think all travel changes you and my four months had changed me in ways I didn't realize just yet. One of my favorite travel adventurers/writers, Jedidiah Jenkins, penned this recently and like many of his writings, speaks to my wanderlust spirit:

"I still don't know what it taught me in full, because travel doesn't teach like that. It isn't a list or a script to memorize. It isn't some test you pass. The experiences themselves are like picking up keys on a path, shoving them in your pockets, and continuing on. You don't know what doors will show up, what key you grabbed a thousand miles back will fit into a door you never knew existed. But you'll know it when you see it.

I think people bump into locked doors their whole lives, maybe they jiggle the handle, shrug, and turn around. Maybe they never leave their room. This is why I peek behind every corner and lift up all the rugs... I'm looking for keys."

My four months will stay with me for the rest of my life.  I can't wait to see what keys I picked up on the road that I never imagined, the keys that find themselves opening certain doors. I'd like to think that my memories from all my travels, but especially this trip, will live on in my kids and my travel stories will be their stories. I'm so touched that many of my friends, family and people whom I've never met, kept up with my little blog. It was like each of you were there with me in the passenger seat and I was never really alone. My blogging has been such a highlight and something I will continue to do in the future. I wonder if that's unconsciously why it took me this long to finish up my remaining blog posts, because I didn't want the fresh memory of my journey to end. But it's comforting to know that our travel adventures never really end, it will continue to live on in me. I'll be leaving this up so I can re-live my trip and hope if you're reading, you enjoy it too.

My four months traveling around the US was one of the best teachers of my life. I learned to take risks and to embrace doing things that scare me. I hope fellow readers, that you'll take that step closer to doing things that scare you too. You owe it to yourself to chase after what you want, surprise yourself. I know I did.