

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I have this thing with birds.

I have this thing with birds. Maybe it's a special connection or maybe they're my spirit animal or a reincarnated loved one. Or maybe I just have a thing with birds. A month or so ago I was driving and stopped at a stop sign and this big, beautiful hawk ever so gracefully landed on my windshield. Seriously. At first I thought, did I kill it? Then I wondered if it was an owl. I realized no, it was a hawk who was very much alive. And by the way, when do you ever hear of or see a hawk gently land on a windshield?!? The hawk proceeded to turn and look at me for a few moments and then flew away. My mom thinks it's a good omen; I think it blessed my car for my travels.

When I told my friends about this story I was reminded about another bird incident, while in Victoria Falls last spring. I was enjoying my food reverie, which often happens after delicious meals, and this tiny little bird flew down to my chair and we proceeded to stare at each other for at least two minutes and then it flew away.

What is it with me and birds? Hopefully some day I will find out.

 Thanks hawk for your travel blessing, me and my car are forever grateful!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Four weeks

Four weeks. Four weeks from today I will be starting my month long drive to Los Angeles. I have a list which seems a mile long of everything that needs to get done between now and then and at times it seems incredibly frightening and daunting and other times it can't come soon enough. It is hard to put into words the feeling that in four weeks I will be starting my trip that I've been planning and thinking about for months and months and months. That all of this is happening because of a thought that turned into an idea that turned into a road map that turned into this.

Four weeks. I'm trying not to freak out.