

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's only the beginning....

I've been incredibly lucky to have experienced many far away parts of the world so early on in my  twenty-nine years of life. And on my travels I have had many adventures and this-would-only-happen-to-me situations that make for even better stories. Like the time I walked into a stopped car (I mean, who does that?!) while exploring a quaint village in Ireland with my dad. To the time I locked myself in a bathroom stall in Rome and spoke embarrassingly little Italian. Or the time I had to pee so badly with no bathrooms in sight for miles, I made my best mate pull her car over and I got to pee off the side of the most beautiful Scottish hills imaginable, praying that nobody saw me. Or while I was enjoying the hell out of a Costa Rican beach, a wave crashed over me and while I was struggling to get up, I was afraid I very well could drown. Or the time I was on an inner city LA bus when some man started verbally berating me for no reason at all. To the time when me and my very dear friends car got stuck for 3+ hours in what I can only describe as quicksand while having no cell phone reception and being a good 10+ kilometers away from help, while on safari in Matopos National Park Zimbabwe (now that's a story!). These and countless other experiences, some quite scary and some hilarious, are what make my travel history so memorable and where I have learned a great deal about myself and what I can handle. And isn't that all we can hope for when we travel? To learn and grow and find out something new about ourselves that we didn't know existed?

Traveling has been one of my greatest teachers and I couldn't be more excited and nervous and excited for my next big travel learning adventure: a solo cross country road trip in May followed by a six week stint in Hawaii. I hope that you will check in from time to time on my little ol' blog and see where I'm going and where I've been and most importantly, what I've learned. Travel on, my friends.